Catalogue description records incl registers, vestry minutes, PCC minutes, accounts, corresp, churchwardens'...

This record is held by Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: Staffordshire County Record Office

Details of D3380, D4898, D4907, D5219, D5357, D5390, D5428, D5685, D5799, D6108, D6311, D6852, D7312
Reference: D3380, D4898, D4907, D5219, D5357, D5390, D5428, D5685, D5799, D6108, D6311, D6852, D7312 (click here to view this record in archive's external catalogue)
Description: records incl registers, vestry minutes, PCC minutes, accounts, corresp, churchwardens' papers and accounts, records rel to parochial school, parish magazines
Date: 1707-2013
Held by: Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Archive Service: Staffordshire County Record Office, not available at The National Archives
NRA catalogue reference: NRA 29492 Staffs parishes

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