Catalogue description Medical journal of the Clyde convict ship, from 20 August to 27 December 1830, by Morgan...

Details of ADM 101/17/6
Reference: ADM 101/17/6

Medical journal of the Clyde convict ship, from 20 August to 27 December 1830, by Morgan Price, surgeon and superintendent, during which time the said ship was employed in convict service.

Folios 1-2: Phillip Oblett, aged 20, convict, taken ill at Spithead; sick or hurt, contusion, fell from the main deck to the hold received a severe contusion on the back and head; put on sick list 21 August 1830, discharged 30 August 1830.

Folios 3-7: Edward Jones, aged 32, soldier, taken ill at Spithead; sick or hurt, phlegmasia; put on sick list 26 August 1830, discharged 26 September 1830 to duty.

Folios 7-9: McBrierty, aged 29, soldier, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, rheumatismus; put on sick list 6 September 1830, discharged 27 September 1830 to duty.

Folios 9-10: William Young, aged 26, soldier, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, gonorrhoea; put on sick list 10 September 1830, discharged 10 October 1830 to duty.

Folios 11-13: Timothy Daly, aged 35, corporal 17th regiment, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, asthma; put on sick list 16 September 1830, died 29 October 1830 at 5 am, this man had been in 17th regiment for some years, and who had been addicted to spiritous liquors and his constitution was impaired and perfectly broken up previous to his embarkation at Deptford in August last.

Folio 14: John Roberts, aged 32, soldier, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, accident, fell against an empty cask, the integuments over the left tibia lacerated and laid bare exposed about three inches; put on sick list 25 September 1830, discharged 20 October 1830 to duty.

Folios 14-16: A Callison, aged 21, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, febris; put on sick list 15 October 1830, discharged 28 October 1830.

Folios 16-18: Mark Joel, aged 59, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, stricture to such a degree as to cause a total retention of urine; put on sick list 26 October 1830, discharged 27 December 1830 much improved.

Folios 18-19: Samuel Pratt, aged 28, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, dysentery; put on sick list 28 October 1830, date of discharged unknown.

Folios 19-20: George Barnett, aged 20, convict, taken ill at sea; sick or hurt, debility, in a state of extreme debility and labouring under stricture of several months standing also a phymosis the prepuce and glands being covered with foul ulcers; put on sick list 2 November 1830, the stricture was removed by the use of the bougie, there was a copious discharge from the urethra, his health perfectly reestablished in six weeks from his admission to hospital.

Folio 21: numerical abstract of medical cases mentioned in the journal, nosologically arranged.

Folios 22-23: Surgeon's general remarks regarding the crowded state of the ship and many of the convicts upwards of 50 years of age, yet the healthy state of the whole of the prisoners were good with the exception of a few old chronic ulcers few were admitted to hospital. The fatal case marked asthma was sent from Chatham as one of the military guard, with little hope of his recovery, his constitution was worn out having been long habituated to spirits.

Folio 24: blank.

Date: 1830
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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