Catalogue description Conveyance (lease and release) for a nominal consideration; with counterparts and three abstracts.

This record is held by West Sussex Record Office

Details of RAPER/256-262
Reference: RAPER/256-262
Title: Conveyance (lease and release) for a nominal consideration; with counterparts and three abstracts.

(a) Tudor Griffiths, John Chaldecott, John Drew, Francis Diggens and John Diggens; (b) Charles Tapner and James Farenden; (c) Thomas Andrews of Chichester St. Pancras, builder, Henry Chads of Chichester, esq., the said John Chaldecott, Thomas Chaldecott of Chichester, goldsmith, John Clement of Chichester, gent., Samuel Cobby of Chichester, gent., Thomas Cobden of Chichester, carpenter, Thomas Collins of Chichester, comedian, James Davies of Chichester, comedian, the said Francis Diggens, the said John Diggens, William Fowler of Chichester, gent., Ann Garth of Chichester, spinster, the said Tudor Griffiths, John Kemp of Chichester, innholder, James Knight of Chichester, ironmonger, Kempster Knight of Chichester, plumber and glazier, Lt. Douglas Lawson R.N., John Marsh of Chichester, esq., John Murray, citizen and alderman of Chichester, Richard Murray of Chichester, mercer, John Newland, citizen and alderman of Chichester, John Newman of Chichester, brewer, Elizabeth Petcham of Chichester, widow, Richard Philpott of Chichester, knacker, Joseph Postlethwaite of Chidham, gent., John Quantock of Chichester, esq., Joseph Seagrave of Chichester, printer, William Smith of Chichester, esq., the said Charles Tapner, John Tipper of Midhurst, Miller, Thomas Trew of Chichester, brewer, John Williams of Chichester, esq., and John Woods of Chichester, Esq.; (d) Edmund Woods of Shopwyke [in Oving], esq., John Peachey of Rumboldswhyke, esq., and John Drew, jun., of Chichester, esq.


Property as in nos. 253, 254 except that the building (then being erected) is now described as rebuilt.


Conveyance from (a) to (d) upon trust to pay, during the lives of the nominees [see below], the rents and profits of the property amongst (c), the subscribers, in equal parts, one fortieth part in respect of each £25 share; also that when all except one of the nominees shall be dead, (d) to convey the property at the 'Request Costs and Charges' of the subscriber, by whom the surviving nominee was named, to the said subscriber and his or her heirs or assigns for ever. Agreement between all parties that (b) shall hold the residue of the term [as in (i) below] in trust to attend the inheritance.


Agreement between (c) that none of them shall receive their share of the rents and profits without producing a certificate of life of their nominee [see below] and that if any one of them, knowing his nominee to be dead, should receive payment he is liable to a fine of 'treble the value of the money received plus a further sum of £100.'


Power to (d) at the request or with the consent of the major part of (c), whose nominees shall still be living, to lease the property for terms not exceeding 14 years; each lease to contain inter alia a covenant by the Lessee to keep the buildings insured from fire to the amount of £700.


Power to (c) to appoint new trustees on death or resignation of any one of them.


Recites: (i) nos. 252-254; (ii) the premises were bought and the building completed with the money of (c), each of whom subscribed £25 for one share except for William Fowler who subscribed for two shares, Tudor Griffiths who subscribed for four shares, John Marsh who subscribed for two shares and John Williams who subscribed for two shares; (iii) agreed between (c) that each shareholder nominate a life for each share, and that the profits shall be divided equally according to the number of nominees still living until all nominees except one shall be dead; (iv) shareholders nominate lives as follows: Thomas Andrews - Charlotte Andrews, his dau., aged 14; Henry Chads - Henry Ducie Chads, his son, aged 4; John Chaldecott - James Hack, aged 4, son of James Hack, jun. of Chichester, leatherseller; Thomas Chaldecott - Priscilla Hack, aged 6, dau. of said James Hack; John Clement - John Albeck Clement, his son, aged 11; Samuel Cobby - John Peerman, aged 4, son of John Peerman of Chichester, grocer, dec'd.; Thomas Cobden - Sarah Cobden, his dau., aged 8; Thomas Collins - John Court, his son, aged 19 (said Thomas Collins being sometimes called Thomas Court) and apprenticed, as being son of Thomas Court of Southampton, comedian, to Thomas Van Herman of the same, limner; James Davies - Charles Frederick Davies, his son, aged 3; Francis Diggens - Francis Diggens, son of said John Diggens, aged 11; John Diggens - John Diggens, his son, aged 8; William Fowler - Amelia Fowler, his dau., aged 9, and Edward Fowler, his son, aged 4; Ann Garth - herself aged 22; Tudor Griffiths - Thomas Albright, aged 9, son of James Albright of Basingstoke (co. Hants), currier, Mary Albright, aged 10, dau. of said James Albright, John Norman, aged 11, son of Nathan Norman, of Coventry, ribbon weaver, and Elizabeth Norman, aged 14, dau. of said Nathan Norman; John Kemp - John Rice Kemp, his son, aged 17; James Knight - James Knight, his son, aged 4; Kempster Knight - Elizabeth Mary Knight, his wife, aged 23; Douglas Lawson - Douglas Lawson, his son, aged 1; John Marsh - Henry Egerton Marsh, his son, aged 15, and Edward Garrard Marsh, his son, aged 9; John Murray - Elizabeth Murray, his dau., aged 13; Richard Murray - Gideon Newland, aged 15, son of said John Newland; John Newland - William Charles Newland his son, aged 17; John Newman - Martha Newman, his dau., aged 13; Elizabeth Peckham - Mary Peckham, her dau., aged 13; Richard Philpott - John Hardham, aged 13, son of Willis Hardham of Chichester, butcher; Joseph Postlethwaite - Henry Postlethwaite, his son, aged 19; John Quantock - Matthew Quantock his son, aged 9; Joseph Seagrave - himself, aged 25; William Smith - Emily Smith, his dau., aged 8; Charles Tapner - William Caffin, aged 14, son of Benjamin Caffin senior of Chichester, taylor; John Tipper - himself, aged 23; Thomas Trew - Mary Jane Trew, his dau., aged 3; John Williams - Eliza Louisa Jane Williams, his dau., aged 12, and John Hollist, aged 6, son of John Hollist of Farnham (co.Surrey), gent; John Woods - John William Woods, his son, aged 2; (v) that (c) have appointed (d) as trustees.


No witnesses.

Date: 2, 3 July 1792
Held by: West Sussex Record Office, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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