Catalogue description Bexhill Sixth Form College

This record is held by East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (ESBHRO)

Details of E/MA/6
Reference: E/MA/6
Title: Bexhill Sixth Form College
Date: 1929 - 1972
Related material:

Boys' County Grammar School: for minutes of the governing body, 1929-1969 see E/MA/6/1-2; for title deeds of the site at Gunters Lane and Turkey Road, 1845-1923 see R/C 4/224; for plans, 1923-1935 see R/A 2/251 (1-6); for photographs, 1959 see C/A 4/14; for prospectus, 1930 see C/C 71/99; for file on acquisition of playing field site, 1938 see C/C 82/95 and for compulsory purchase order, 1936 see C/C 124/14; for annual lists of special places awarded to East Sussex pupils, 1933-1936 see C/E 18/2


Girls' County Grammar School: for minutes of the governing body, 1929-1969 see E/MA/6/3-5; for title deeds of the site at Gunters Lane and Turkey Road, 1845-1923 see R/C 4/224; for plans, 1923-1935 see R/A 2/251 (1-6); for photographs, 1956-1957 and 1963 see C/A 4/15 and 41; for prospectus, 1930 see C/C 71/99; for file on acquisition of playing field site, 1938 see C/C 82/95 and for compulsory purchase order, 1936 see C/C 124/14: for annual lists of special places awarded to East Sussex pupils, 1933-1936 see C/E 18/2


Mixed County Grammar School: for minutes of the governing body, 1969-1972 see E/MA/6/6; for instrument of government, 1972 see C/E 54/1; for schedule of pupils, 1975 see R/E 4/36/12


Bexhill College: for Area Office files on reorganization of secondary education, 1974-1978 see R/E 4/36/6-8; for area office files, 1976-1981 see R/E 4/37/18-20


For additional records, 1926-1990s see ACC 7847

Held by: East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (ESBHRO), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

Bexhill Sixth From College, Bexhill-on-Sea, East Sussex

Physical description: 3 series
Administrative / biographical background:

County Schools for Boys and Girls ware opened on 5 October 1926 and they were officially opened by the Duchess of Athol on 4 February 1927. The girls' school opened with 56 girls and five full-time staff, while the boys' school opened with 70 boys and five full-time staff; by 1938 there were 228 in the girls' school and 225 in the boys' school. In September 1939 The Roar Schools for Boys and Girls, Greenwich were evacuated to Bexhill and were the guest of the school for nearly a year. In early summer 1940 the Roar School were evacuated to South Wales, while the boys were evacuated to St Albans and the girls to Letchworth - the school was used by the Royal Artillery. In January 1943 the girls returned


In 1945 following the Education Act, the schools became Grammar Schools


The Boys' and Girls' County Grammar Schools were amalgamated on 26 September 1970 and became a sixth form college in 1977


Headteachers of the Boys' School


Mr Lamb, 1926-1952


Mr John S Brown, 1952-1968


Mr Watts, 1969 acting


Mr Williams, 1970-


Headteachers of the Girls' School


Miss Davis, 1926 - Dec 1954


Miss C M Ramsden, 1955-1960


Miss E V Wheeler, 1961-1969


Miss J Cockshoot, 1969

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