Catalogue description Devon Record Office

This record is held by Devon Archives and Local Studies Service (South West Heritage Trust)

Details of 874D-0/T/15-18
Reference: 874D-0/T/15-18
Title: Devon Record Office

Cullompton Meeting - Quaker Charity Lands, Cullompton. 4, 5 October 1723


Lease, release, extract from will, and account


1. William Bidwell of Cullompton, sergemaker.


2. Thomas Finimore of Cullompton, sergemaker, Joshua Williams of Cullompton, schoolmaster, John Harris of Cullompton, cooper, Michael Lee Dicker of Exeter, Doctor in Phisick, John Colsworthy of Exeter, merchant, Peter Williams and John Williams of Exeter, merchants, Jacob Splatt of Exeter, sergemaker, Thomas Collier of Topsham, maltster, Hugh Ellis of Uffculm, sergemaker, George Manning of Exeter, sergemaker, Joseph Ellis of Bradninch, sergemaker.


Premises: 2 fields or marsh in Cullompton (3½ acres), the King's Highway on the north, Water Lane on the east.


Extract from will of John Baker bequeathing £50 to "the poorer sort of people called Quakers," in Cullompton. 1720.


Consideration: 5/- and 10/-.

Date: 1723
Held by: Devon Archives and Local Studies Service (South West Heritage Trust), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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