Catalogue description Deeds relating to Hugh Simpson's purchases of land

This record is held by Cumbria Archive Centre, Carlisle

Details of D CC 2/22
Reference: D CC 2/22
Title: Deeds relating to Hugh Simpson's purchases of land

Lease and release for £430


(John Gale of Whitehaven Esq. to Hugh Simpson of Penrith gent.) - house and land called Vauxe's at Unthank p. Skelton; half the house and land called Barker's Tenement at Scales and Unthank p. Skelton; which two properties both belonged to the late Henry Richmond Brougham of High Head Castle Esq.; and Barker's Tenement, before that, belonged to Richard Barker; also part of his (John Gale's) Manor of Penrith, also formerly the said Henry Richmond Brougham's; and the free rents, total £7. 1s. 4d., from the following houses and lands in Penrith:-


Property: Several lands [i.e. parcels of land], formerly Mary Pattenson's, widow


Freeholder: The Rev Lancelot Pattenson


Free Rent: 11s. 8d.


Property: An acre in Ingmire, formerly Robert Dawson's


Freeholder: The Rev Lancelot Pattenson


Free Rent: 1s. 0d.


Property: House and two shops near the Shambles in Penrith, formerly Robert Holliday's


Freeholder: William Bramwell


Free Rent: £1. 6s. 0d.


Property: Several lands formerly Robert Carleton's


Freeholder: Christopher Pattenson Esq.


Free Rent: 12s. 0d.


Property: Several houses and shops, formerly Hewatson's


Freeholder: Miles Dent


Free Rent: 7s. 4d.


Property: Part of a stable formerly a house belonging to Thomas Winter


Freeholder: Miles Dent


Free Rent: 3½d.


Property: House and lands near Thack[a]gate late Setree's; and 1 acre on Thulbar lately Jonathan Abbot's


Freeholder: Cuthbert Sharp


Free Rent: 3s. 2d.


Property: 2 acres on Thulbar


Freeholder: Mark Skaife


Free Rent: 1s. 0d.


Property: House and land at Netherend, formerly Andrew Rumney's


Freeholder: Anne Holme, widow, and Luke Law


Free Rent: 9s. 10d.


Property: House and garth in "Castle Street" [Castlegate], formerly Alexander Robson's


Freeholder: James Hewetson, glazier


Free Rent: 13s. 4d.


Property: Two houses, stable, and garden, formerly Thomas Winter's [location not stated]


Freeholder: Thomas Roper and Joseph Roper


Free Rent: 4s. 8½d.


Property: House and garth [do.], formerly Christopher Shepherd's


Freeholder: John Nelson


Free Rent: 4s. 0d.


Property: House and garth [do.] formerly Lancelot Nelson's


Freeholder: John Nelson


Free Rent: 5s. 0d.


Property: Several lands called Lineroods in Thulbar, formerly Mary Harrison's


Freeholder: Matthew Weightman


Free Rent: 7s. 0d.


Property: House and land, formerly John Salkeld's and afterwards Robert Dawson's


Freeholder: John Scollough


Free Rent: 6s. 0d.


Property: Close called Longdyke in "Weatherigg"


Freeholder: Joseph Aderton gent.


Free Rent: 2s. 0d.


Property: Close in Thornyrane late Burton's


Freeholder: Richard Hindson


Free Rent: 1s. 0d.


Property: Garden formerly a house and garden belonging to James Braithwaite


Freeholder: Richard Hudleston


Free Rent: 6d.


Property: House and garden formerly James Simpson's, afterwards Sisson's


Freeholder: Richard Hudleston


Free Rent: 1s. 0d.


Property: Dwelling-house in Middlegate called the Cross Keys


Freeholder: Joseph Bell


Free Rent: 1s. 0d.


Property: Lands late Jonathan Midleton's


Freeholder: John Stalker


Free Rent: 1s. 6d.


Property: Parcel on Sefray [Sephrey] formerly Jonathan Midleton's


Freeholder: Thomas Shepherd


Free Rent: 1s. 6d.


Property: House in Middlegate late Webster's


Freeholder: William Cookson, mercer


Free Rent: 4d.


Property: 1 acre on Newlands, formerly Peter Stephenson's and (blank) Garnet's


Freeholder: William Myers


Free Rent: 8d.


Property: Close near Thulbar, formerly Mary Cliburn's


Freeholder: John Watson, carpenter


Free Rent: 3s. 0d.


Property: Close called Long Ash Close, formerly Greenup's, afterwards Parker's


Freeholder: John Lamley


Free Rent: 5s. 0d.


Property: House at the Townhead, formerly Richard Asbridge's


Freeholder: Ann Asbridge, widow


Free Rent: 2s. 0d.


Property: House, formerly Robert Benson's, afterwards Airey's


Freeholder: Richard Robinson


Free Rent: 3s. 0d.


Property: House in Dockray [in Penrith], formerly Philipson's, afterwards Pearson's


Property: George Smith


Free Rent: 1s. 0d.


Property: House and garden in Middlegate


Freeholder: Thomas Barnsley


Free Rent: 1s. 0d.


Property: House and garth at Penrith Townhead


Freeholder: John Shepherd


Free Rent: 8d.


Property: House and garth at Penrith Townhead, formerly Margaret Dixon's


Freeholder: Ann Parker, widow


Free Rent: 3s. 0d.


Property: House and garth in Dockray [in Penrith], lately Robert Anson's


Freeholder: Joseph Bowerbank


Free Rent: 2d.


Property: Land in "Paitgill"


Freeholder: Thomas Harrison


Free Rent: 1s. 8d.


Property: ½ acre on Birkethill, lately Busby's


Freeholder: George Wilson


Free Rent: 8d.


The above comprise the freehold estate in Penrith of John Gale of Whitehaven Esq. Now follows his customary estate there:-


Property: House and land in Dockray [Penrith], formerly John Nelson's


Tenant: Mary Hall, widow


Ancient: Cust. rent: 13s. 4d.


Property: ½-acre parcel on Brackenbar Lands, formerly William Scaife's, afterwards John Brown's


Tenant: Rowland Watson


Ancient: Cust. rent: 1s. 8d.


Property: House and land "in Sandgate or Borrowgate"


Tenant: John Brown


Ancient: Cust. rent: 8s. 0d.


Property: "Two parcels of Land lying in two little Inclosures near the Guide Post, both formerly Hareskeugh's"


Tenant: Thomas Nelson


Ancient: Cust. rent: 1s. 8d.


Property: House and garth in Middlegate, formerly John Simpson's


Tenant: George Knubley


Ancient: Cust. rent: 1s. 8d.


Property: Half a house in Middlegate, formerly the said John Simpson's


Tenant: George Simpson and Elizabeth his wife


Ancient: Cust. rent: 2s. 8d.


Together with all woods, stiles, turbary, etc. (but no garths mentioned, despite being in the foregoing), 1755


Deed of Exchange by Thomas Simpson of Penrith gent. and Elizabeth his wife, with Jonathan Hodgson of Carleton (Penrith) yeo., 1757


By the Simpsons


½-acre parcel of cust. land in field at Carleton called Alerthwaites otherwise Autons (Gaskarth's Manor of Penrith), apportioned rent 1s.9d.; abuttals Jonathan Hodgson on south, Thomas Bird on north


By Jonathan Hodgson


3-rood parcel of cust. land on Barco, same Manor and apportioned rent; abuttals Thomas Simpson on E or S. or S.E., Mr John Cookson on W. or N.W.


Bargain and sale for £40 (John Gaskarth of Penrith Esq. to Thomas Simpson of do. gent., with William Sisson of do., mercer, as third party) - freehold parcels at Hungerhill, being of 1 acre and ½-acre respectively; abuttals include the said Thomas, and Christopher Pattenson deceased; with all woods, common of pasture and turbary, 1762


Bargain and sale for £121 (Thomas Hodgson of Carleton yeo., to Thomas Simpson of Penrith gent.) - three freehold parcels in the Townfields of Carleton, namely 3 roods in Todhunter's Close "adjoining the Fell Wall on the North", and two parcels (total, ½-acre) "in the Allthwaites"; abuttals, Christopher Pattenson deceased, and Philip Airey; quit rent 2d. to the Duke of Portland; with common of pasture and turbary, 1764


Bargain and sale for £122. 10s. 0d. (The Rev Philip Airey of Gainford, Co. Durham, and Margaret his mother, to Hugh Simpson of Carleton in Penrith, gent.) - freehold house in Carleton, and 3 parcels of land there, namely ½-acre in the Autons field, ½-acre on the Scaw, and a parcel on Barco; abuttals being Thomas Simpson [Hugh's father], the Rev William Raincock, George Dobson, Jonathan Verty [Varty], and the Heirs of Mr Newby; with common of pasture and turbary, 1765


Bargain and sale for £66 (Robert Dobson of Penrith yeo. and Sarah his wife, to Hugh Simpson of Carleton Hall gent.) - freehold 1-acre parcel in Todhunter's Close, between his father's lands there on north and south; quit rent 6d. to the Duke of Portland; with common of pasture and turbary, 1765


Probate of the Will of Thomas Simpson of Carleton gent.; Will dated 23 Jan. 1767,


Proved at Carlisle 1768


Begins with provision for his daughter Elizabeth's marriage portion.


Family: Hugh (son); Lancelot (brother); Jane Dawes, Mary Judd, Margery Arscot, and Elizabeth Simpson [spinster] (sisters); and his wife (unnamed).


Other legatee: George Roper sen. of Penrith.


Effects: "my Brother Pattenson's plate", "the best Chaise or wheel Carriage"; "my Silver Tea-kettle and Lamp".


Probate of the Will of Hugh Simpson of Carleton Hall Esq.; Will dated 19 Feb. 1768,


Proved at Carlisle 1768


To his mother, "the Two new Barns and the Two new Stables in the Town of Carleton, and the Garths or Yards in which the same are"; also the parcels bought by his father in Todhunter's Close, Autons, and Bridge Field; also Hugh's "Corn, Hay, Straw, Cattle, Carriages and Implements of Husbandry" there or at Carleton Hall; also his father's gold watch;


To Mr Reginald Buckle of Skelton and his assigns, a £6 annuity from his (RB's) former estate at Skelton;


To his Uncle Lancelot of Musgrave Hall in Penrith, £50, and "my large Gold triangular Seal with my Arms cut thereon";


Aunts: Jane Dawes, widow; Mrs Aderton, Penrith; Miss ["Mrs" here, wrongly] Elizabeth Simpson, Musgrave Hall.


Executor: James Wallace of the Inner Temple Esq., husband of Hugh's sister Elizabeth.


Probate of the Will of Lancelot Simpson [of Musgrave Hall], Esq., Will dated 29 May 1768,


Proved at Carlisle 1768


To his sister Elizabeth, the mansion-house called Musgrave Hall in Penrith, with its contents.


'Sisters' Dawes, Judd Arscot


Nieces Jane Dawes, "the two Daughters of Mary Judd"; Elizabeth wife of James Wallace.


Great-Nephew Thomas Wallace


Executrix: Elizabeth wife of James Wallace

Date: 1755 - 1768
Held by: Cumbria Archive Centre, Carlisle, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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