Catalogue description Deeds of Springfield Lodge and other properties in Rye purchased by Henry Burra in 1867; [1712]-1867

This record is held by East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (ESBHRO)

Details of AMS6128/1/4-29
Reference: AMS6128/1/4-29
Title: Deeds of Springfield Lodge and other properties in Rye purchased by Henry Burra in 1867; [1712]-1867

John Young in his will of 4 Oct 1712 devised to his only daughter Elizabeth Young (or if she should die before reaching 21 years of age then to his nephew Walter Waters the elder) his lands in Playden, Iden and Rye, described thus in 1812 (4)


1 Land, arable, meadow and pasture called Olfy fields (12a 34p) consisting of the Lane Field (2a 3r 5p), the Bennis Field (3a 28p), an orchard and garden (2a 1r 18p) and the Footway Field (3a 3r 23p) adjoining the road from Playden church to Iden church


2 Land, arable, meadow and pasture called Cliff land (13a 1r 29p) consisting of the Cliff Field (4a 2r), the Middle Cliff Field (2a 2r 8p), woodland (3a 1r 24p) and the Long Cliff Field (3a 1r 35p) adjoining the lands and marshlands of William Alexander Morland esq and Daniel Slade


3 Land, arable and pasture called Burnt Oak Land (22a 2r 19p) consisting of the Burnt Oak Field, heretofore in two pieces (5a 28p), Little Burnt Oak (2a 2r 18p), the Gill Field (5a 3r 4p), the Gill (3a 9p), the Gill (3r 20p), the Middle Gill Field (3a 3r 34p), the Long Three Acres (3a 26p) and the Small Gill adjoining (1r), adjoining the road from Playden and Iden churches to Broomshill, all of the above being in Playden and Iden, heretofore in the possession or occupation of Walter Waters the elder, then Walter Waters the younger and after Messrs Stonham and John Woollett of Scots Float


4 Toft, whereon a messuage formerly stood, barn, stable, yard and close, and parcel of land (4a) called New June in Rye; (E: Saltcoate Hill and Fleckly road; N,W: copyhold lands heretofore Nathaniel Levett late Walter Duke and now Thomas Meryon; S: Hare Bacon Fields)


Elizabeth Young died before reaching 21 years of age and the lands descended to Walter Waters the elder, who in his will made 6 May 1772, (having named his wife Elizabeth and son Walter as executrix and executor) devised all the property above to Richard Batchelor surgeon and apothecary in trust for his son Walter Waters for life and remainder to his children, remainder to his sisters Mary and Elizabeth as tenants in common. Walter Waters the elder's will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 11 Sep 1772. Walter Waters the younger died intestate and unmarried. Mary Waters formerly of Northiam but late of Beckley spinster, in her will made 7 Mar 1803, bequeathed an annuity of £50 to her sister Elizabeth and her moiety of the lands above to her nephew Thomas Walter Reeves. Her will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 1811/1812 (8). On 9 and 10 Mar 1812 Samuel Reeves of Beckley gent, his wife Elizabeth (née Waters) and their son Thomas Walter Reeves of Beckley gent conveyed the lands above for £2600 to John Reeves of Playden gent and his trustee William Watson of Rye gent with a covenant to levy a fine (1 & 5). The fine was levied on 16 Mar 1812 (13 & 24). Reeves on the same day mortgaged the property above, except the Long Cliff Field (3a 1r 35p), to John Haddock of Rye esq, Thomas Kennett the elder, Daniel Gill and John Amon all of Rye gents (the executors of Joseph Haddock of Mockbeggar in Playden gent) for £1900 at 5% with a term of 1000 years (9)


John Haddock in his will made 28 May 1812 appointed Elizabeth Morris, Margaret Watson and Ann Haddock as his executrixes; he died 29 Jul 1812 and his will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 12 Oct 1812 (6). John Reeves in his will of 8 Sep 1821 devised all his real estate in trust for sale to his trustee (William Watson) and executors (his sons Samuel and John Reeves, his brother Samuel Reeves of Beckley, and Thomas Walter Reeves) (6)


On 30 and 31 Oct 1822 the trustee and executors of John Reeves (William Watson of Rye gent, Samuel Reeves of Playden yeoman, John Reeves of Playden yeoman, Samuel Reeves of Beckley gent and Thomas Walter Reeves of Beckley gent) conveyed to James Hollands of Rye butcher and his trustee William Dengate of Rye yeoman for £420 the toft (described in 4 above, now measured at 6a 1r 3p and abutting N and W on Richard Heath's copyhold) (5-6)


The executors of John Haddock (Elizabeth wife of William Morris of Peasmarsh gent, Margaret wife of William Watson of Rye gent, and Anne Haddock of Rye spinster) and Joseph Haddock (Thomas Kennett the elder of Rye gent, Daniel Gill of Rye gent and John Amon of Rye gent) discharged the part of the mortgage charged on the toft for the £420 above and assigned the residue of the 1000-year term to William Brazier of Rye merchant in trust to attend the inheritance (6)


Hollands mortgaged the property on 1 Nov 1822 to Catherine Paine of Rye widow for £250 at 5% with a term of 1000 years (7)


James Hollands in his will made 21 Apr 1828 devised to his wife Harriott all his real estate. He died 27 Dec 1829, Catherine Paine died intestate and administration was granted to her eldest son George Paine of Rye glazier in 1832 (11)


On 23 and 24 Oct 1832 Harriott Hollands sold the property, heretofore in occupation of Robert Smith, then Thomas Whorwell, John Reeves, James Hollands and now John Burkett, to Jeremiah Smith of Cad borough in Rye gent and his trustee Jesse Piper of Rye gent for £450, of which £250 was paid to George Paine in discharge of the mortgage. The residue of the 1000-year term (created in 1812) as assigned by William Brazier of Rye gent to William Watson of Rye gent in trust to attend the inheritance (10-11)


On 19 and 20 Oct 1838 Smith mortgaged to Robert Burra the younger of Watling Street in London merchant, Virgil Pomfret of Tenterden in Kent esq, James Burra of Friday Street in London gent(d 8 Feb 1851)and Robert Curteis Pomfret of Rye esq for £4000 at 5% the property above (now including a cottage) and additionally


1 Messuage and shop sometime since erected by James Smith of Rye grocer with yard, in Longer Street, Rye formerly occupied by Thomas Fisher grocer, then Henry Clark, Messrs Thomas Collett & Co. and late James Smith and Charles Hicks (W: lane from Longer Street to Postern Conduit, S: Longer Street, E,N: messuage, yard, garden and passage of John Richard Frizell since occupied by John Cook, then Thomas Clark sailmaker and late James Bellingham surgeon). And a warehouse and stable in Longer Street fronting the shop above, heretofore in possession of Richard Pollard, occupied by John Southerden, late Thomas Fisher, Henry Clark, Thomas Collett, and then James Smith and Charles Hicks, (N: Longer Street, W: messuage and premises of Richard Butler surgeon, E: messuage heretofore Ann Stocks and then William Miller, S: garden and premises of Charles Pilcher); all purchased by James Smith of Cadborough gent from Thomas Clark gent, 24 & 25 Mar 1814


2 Two parcels of land and two adjoining parcels of freshmarsh lying on the Wittersham side of the channel and all those lands reserved to the Commissioners for the Upper Levels for the channel, forelands and rents, and one lane called Ham Green (12a); (N,E: road, E,S: lands heretofore the heirs of Richard Reynolds, W: lands late Sir Nathaniel Powell) all in Wittersham, formerly in the tenure of the Commissioners, then John Brignall, the Commissioners and George Masters (the tenant of John Brignall), late John Woodhams and then James Smith. And the cottage sometime since erected on the lands above, formerly in the occupation of George Masters and then Timothy Vinton; all purchased by James Smith from John and William Woodhams gents, 10 and 11 Mar 1818


3 Messuage, stable, outhouses, buildings, garden, orchard and three parcels of freshmarshland (8a) in Old Romney, Kent (NE: road, S: lands of James Smith, SW: lands of the Dean and Chapter of Canterbury, NW: lands of James Smith); purchased by James Smith from John Oliver grazier, 9 and 10 Oct 1827


James Smith in his will made 9 Jan 1832 devised his real estate to his son Jeremiah Smith, subject to an annuity of £200 to his wife Mary, and a term of 500 years limited to Tilden Smith the younger and Francis Smith. His will was proved by his executors Jeremiah Smith and Jesse Piper in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury 10 Mar 1832


4 Parcel of freshmarshland (8a 1r 34p) called the Eight-Acre Fronds in Old Romney, Kent formerly in occupation of William Knight, then David Denne esq, since John White and then Jeremiah Smith, purchased by Jeremiah Smith from William Coke miller, 15 and 16 Jan 1823


5 Parcel of pasture land (5a 2r 14p) called Kings Head Field on Saltcoat Street in Playden, formerly occupied by Nathaniel Procter, and a parcel of land or garden ground (26p), formerly part of the pasture land above, in Playden, and occupied by Joseph Trigwell; formerly divided into three pieces, two of which contained 5a and the third called Candys Orchard (1a); purchased by Jeremiah Smith from Thomas Procter gent and John Robinson esq, 11 and 12 Nov 1836


6 Messuage, barn, outhouse, garden, orchard and several parcels of land meadow, pasture, freshmarsh and wood (25a) near Ham Green in Wittersham, Kent in the tenure of Francis Fowle, then Joseph Stonham the elder, Joseph Stonham the younger, late John Wood and then Jeremiah Smith (except part of the freshmarsh, then in the occupation of the Commissioners for the Upper Levels for which they paid a channel rent of 8s 6 ¾d); a piece of woodland (8a 10r) formerly called George Wood but then Cuckoo Wood in Wittersham [in Kent] heretofore in the occupation of Mary [Leveson-Gower] Countess Dowager Gower, William Waters, George Morphett deceased, late John Wood and then Jeremiah Smith; all purchased by Jeremiah Smith from Catherine Bishop widow, 9 and 10 Jan 1837


William Watson assigned the residue of the 1000-year term to John Haddock Lardner of Rye gent (19)


On 5 May 1840 Smith borrowed a further £1000 at 4%, if paid within one month every half year or in default 5% (20). A further £5000 at 5% was borrowed on 4 Feb 1852 by Smith then late of Cadborough but then of Springfield from Richard Curteis Pomfret, Thomas Pix (d 24 Jun 1853), John Bellingham and Thomas Smith Pix all of Rye bankers (18)


On 22 Apr 1847 Jeremiah Smith mortgaged to Edwin Nathaniel Dawes and James Smith for £1500 at [ ]


Two formerly three parcels of pasture land [called Upper and Lower Fields] (4a 1r 18p) in Playden


The mortgage was transferred to John Haddock Lardner and increased to £2500 on 7 Jun 1852. In his will made 11 Aug 1852 JHL devised his real estate and debts in trust to James Prosser and Richard Curteis Pomfret (who were also appointed as his executors). JHL died on 13 Jul 1852 and his will was proved in the Prerogative Court of Canterbury on 16 Oct 1852 (22)


On 15 Feb 1860 Jeremiah Smith borrowed a further £3000 at 5% (with power to borrow further sums up to a total of £5000) from Jesse Piper of Conghurst in Hawkhurst yeoman


1 Capital mansion called Springfield lately erected by Jeremiah Smith with two cottages, outbuildings, stable, coachhouses, gardens and parcel of land (6a) in Rye (late the estate of James Hollands)


2 Messuage, shop and printing office in the High Street, Rye formerly the estate of [ ] Clark, now occupied by Henry Pocock Clark


3 Messuage, shop and warehouse in High Street, Rye late occupied by Messrs Hicks & Son now untenanted


4 Messuage in High Street, Rye now occupied by John Tolhurst Mittell (3-4 late the estate of James Smith)


5 Messuage and shop in High Street, Rye occupied by Alfred Jenner


6 Messuage in High Street, Rye occupied by Samuel Herbert Chapman


7 Messuage in High Street, Rye late occupied by William Cadwel and now unoccupied (5-7 late the estate of Edward Edwards)


8 Messuage and shop in Mint Street, Rye occupied by Edward Brignall


9 Messuage, shop and yard in Mint Street, Rye occupied by Williamson Child and [ ] Brown (8-9 late the estate of John Holt)


10 Messuage and shop in Mint Street, Rye occupied by Edward Pulford (late the estate of Thomas Bayley)


11 Messuage in the Strand, Rye occupied by Stephen Filmer


12 Messuage in the Strand, Rye occupied by Arthur Simpson


13 Messuage in the Strand, Rye occupied by Henry Jarrett (11-13 late the estate of Thomas Cogger)


14 Messuage in the Strand, Rye occupied by Jesse Blackman


15 Messuage in the Strand, Rye late occupied by [ ] Clark and now unoccupied (14-15 late the estate of William Brazier)


16 Messuage in the Strand, Rye occupied by Messrs Hessell and Holmes (late the estate of James Smith)


17 Messuage in Trader Passage, Rye occupied by [ ] Carman (late the estate of Thomas Cogger)


18 Smith's forge at Rock Cliff, Rye occupied by John Veneer


19 Messuage in Watchbell Street, Rye occupied by William Hearsfield


20 Messuage in Watchbell Street, Rye occupied by James Robertson


21 Messuage in Watchbell Street, Rye occupied by [ ] Curd widow


22 Five messuages in Ferry Road, Rye let to Thomas B Lovett


23 Ferry Boat Inn, Rye occupied by James Glazier (18-23 late the estate of James Smith)


24 Warehouse in Rope Walk, Rye occupied by James Gasson (late the estate of James Aylward)


25 Several parcels of land (5a) in Playden occupied by Henry Smith (late the estate of Elizabeth Haddock)


26 Three parcels of land (5a) in Playden occupied by William Hall


27 Garden (1a) in Playden occupied by James Tyrrell


28 Parcel of land (¼a) in Playden occupied by Jeremiah Smith (26-28 late the estate of Nathaniel Procter)


29 Parcel of land (3½a) in Playden occupied by Edward Rubie (late the estate of Messrs Young)


30 Messuage and garden ground (1r 12p) in Playden occupied by John Darby


31 Messuage and garden ground (31p) in Playden occupied by Charles Wilson (30-31 late the estate of the Parish of Playden)


32 Messuage and parcels of land (67a) in Playden late occupied by John Reeves and now Jeremiah Smith (late the estate of John Reeves)


33 Messuage and parcels of land (100a) in Iden late occupied by John Reeves and now Jeremiah Smith


34 Several parcels of land (46a) in Iden occupied by Jeremiah Smith


35 Messuage, garden and orchard (½a) at Boonshill in Iden occupied by William Hovenden


36 Messuage called the Queen and Constitution with garden and ground (¼a) in Iden occupied by John Booth (33-36 late the estate of Messrs Young)


37 Messuage and lands (205a) in Iden late occupied by Messrs Elms and Bosney and now Jeremiah Smith


38 Several parcels of land (4½a) in Iden occupied by John Smith (37-38 late the estate of William Morris)


39 Several parcels of land (6a) in Iden occupied by Jeremiah Smith


40 Messuage called The William the Conqueror with garden and land (1r 20p) in Iden occupied by William Burgess


41 Parcel of land (1a 1r) in Iden occupied by John Dive


42 Messuages and land (1a) in Iden occupied by William Lidbetter, James Reynolds, John Blanch, John Hodges, James Phipps and John Spears (39-42 late the estate of J Oliver)


43 Parcel of land (1a) in Iden occupied by Jeremiah Smith


44 Nine cottages with garden ground (1a) in Iden occupied by William Wisam, Mrs Waters, James Lancaster, Thomas Hall, Henry Selmes, William Carter, John Winser, Thomas Moore and Stephen Sandles (late the estate of the Parish of Iden)


45 Messuage and garden ground (¼a) in Iden occupied by William Sherwood (late the estate of Samuel Richardson)


46 Messuage and several parcels of land (176½a) in Iden occupied by James Green and his son


47 Messuage and several parcels of land (156a) in Iden occupied by Edward Crump


48 Messuage, brickyard, kilns, sheds and land (5a) in Iden occupied by Jeremiah Smith (46-48 late the estate of E Unwin)


49 Two messuages, buildings and land (6a) in Iden occupied by Thomas Watson


50 Two parcels of woodland (8½a) in Wittersham [in Kent] occupied by Jeremiah Smith


51 Five messuages and buildings with orchard and several pieces of land (35a 1r) in Wittersham occupied by James Green and his son


52 Messuage, buildings and land (4a) in Wittersham occupied by James Russell


53 Messuage, brickyard and kilns, sheds and buildings in Wittersham occupied by Jeremiah Smith


54 Messuage, shop, buildings and garden ground (1r 4p) in Wittersham occupied by Thomas Sisley


55 Two messuages, barn and several parcels of land (88a) in East Guldeford occupied by Jeremiah Smith (50-55 late estate of James Smith)


56 Messuage and forge in the High Street, Winchelsea occupied by William Stace


57 Messuage, shop and stable in the High Street, Winchelsea occupied by Thomas Benfield


58 Messuage in the High Street, Winchelsea occupied by Joseph Bailey (56-58 late the estate of William Harrod)


59 Messuage called The Salutation with garden ground near Cooks Green [in Winchelsea] occupied by Henry Stretton


60 Messuage with garden near Cooks Green occupied by William Leonard (59-60 late the estate of the Duke of Cleveland)


61 Four oasthouses, roundles and cooling rooms on Brook Farm in Icklesham


62 As much of the messuages and several parcels of land (295a) in Old Romney [in Kent] occupied by Jesse Piper as were not already mortgaged to Jesse Piper


63 Leasehold parcel of land at Land Gate in Rye occupied by Jeremiah Smith


64 Leasehold shop, yard and warehouse in Rye occupied by Messrs Hessell and Holmes


65 Leasehold warehouse and building on the Strand in Rye occupied by Jeremiah Smith


66 Leasehold messuage at Rock Cliff in Rye occupied by Edward Hammond Rubie


67 Leasehold messuage at Rock Cliff in Rye occupied by Stephen Sheather


68 Leasehold stable in Wish Ward in Rye occupied by Isaac Wright


69 Leasehold messuage in Old Romney [in Kent] occupied by Henry Hunt


The two sums of £3000 and £3500 were to be charged on the lands in both mortgages an initial £3500 at 5% having already been borrowed from him on 10 Apr 1854 on a capital messuage called Walgates with lands (139a 2r 37p), four parcels of freshmarshland called Manifolds (formerly 54a, now 84a 2r 36p), messuage and lands (formerly 33a, now 38a 30p) and two parcels of land adjoining all in New Romney, Kent (21)


On 13 Mar 1861 Jeremiah Smith of Rye esq mortgaged to William Hay Hewitt of 23 Hart Street, Bloomsbury in Middlesex estate agent for £2000 at 5% the following lands (16), with a schedule of previous mortgages 1826-1859 -


1 Cottage in Ferry Road, Rye


2 Small timber building in Wishward or Cinque Port Street, Rye


3 Plot of building land in Cinque Port Street, Rye


4 7, 18-20, 41-43, 106 and 109 High Street, Rye


5 Cottage in the Gun Garden, Rye


6 6 East Street, Rye


7 Blacksmiths forge in Rock Cliff, Rye


8 19-23 Watchbell Street, Rye


9 Cottage between 22 and 23 Watchbell Street, Rye


10 House let to Messrs Hussell and Holmes in the Strand, Rye


11 Land, sawpit and shed let to Messrs Hessell and Holmes in the Strand, Rye


12 House let to Jesse Blackman in the Strand, Rye


13 Two houses let to Henry Jarrett in the Strand, Rye


14 House let to Stephen Filmer in the Strand, Rye


15 Attics over houses in Trade Passage, Rye let to John Carman


16 Warehouse let to James Gasom in Cinque Port Street, Rye


17 Park and Reader Farms (176a 2r 22p) in Iden


18 Kennett and Skinners Farms (155a 4p) in Iden


19 House and land (5a 3r 13p) in Iden occupied by Thomas Watson


20 Brickfield cottage and garden in Iden


21 Nine cottages in Iden Street


22 Stable and two enclosures (5a 18p) adjoining the road from Iden to Playden


23 The William the Conqueror Public House and six cottages in Iden


24 House and premises let to Mr Sherwood in Iden


25 Olivers two acre plot (1a 2r 20p) in Iden


26 The Elms, Bosney, Little Thornsdale and Burnt Oak Farms (350a 3r 32p) in Iden


27 Footway field (4a 3r 24p) in Iden


28 The Queen and Constitution Public House in Iden


29 Cottage let to Mr Hovenden in Iden


30 The Old Turks Farm (66a 3r 14p) in Playden


31 Lane field (3a 1p) and The Common Wood Plot (3a 2r 34p) in Playden


32 Garden (24p) let to Harold Smith in Playden


33 The Mill Field (4a 2p 10r) in Playden


34 Nursery (1a 4p) let to Messrs Tyrrell in Playden


35 The Upper and Lower Field (4a 1r 32p) in Playden


36 Three cottages near Playden turnpike gate


37 Barn Farm (87a 1r 25p) in East Guldeford


38 Salutation House, stable and garden in Winchelsea


39 House and garden at Cooks Green in Winchelsea


40 House let to J Bailey in the High Street, Winchelsea


41 House let to Mr Benfield in the High Street, Winchelsea


42 House let to Mr Stace in the High Street, Winchelsea


43 House and land (2a) let to Mr Freeman in Udimore


44 Cooks Farm and cottages (35a 13p) in Wittersham in Kent


45 Brick Kiln Field and cottage (3a 17p) in Wittersham


46 Brickyard (1a 12p) in Wittersham


47 Cuckoo Wood (8a 2r 3p) in Wittersham


48 House, shop and garden at Wittersham Stocks let to Mr Highwood


49 Springfield Lodge and ponds (6a 2r 12p) in Rye


50 Leasehold building land in Military Road, Rye


51 Leasehold Bethel chapel in Military Road, Rye


52 Leasehold cottage in Bridge Place, Rye


53 Leasehold Ferry Boat Inn and cottage in Ferry Boat Road, Rye


54 Leasehold house divided into four tenements in Ferry Road, Rye


55 Leasehold stable or coachhouse in Wishward or Cinque Port Street, Rye


56 Leasehold house and shop in Market Road, Rye


57 Two leasehold warehouses in the Strand, Rye


58 Leasehold workshop, shed and part of a shipbuilders yard in the Strand, Rye


59 Two leasehold cottages and gardens in the Rock Cliff, Rye


Further advances of £1000 and £1000 were made on 13 May 1861 and 28 May 1861, to make a total of £4000 (16)


Hewitt transferred the mortgage of £4000, with £173 11s 2d owed in interest, to John Cann of Exeter in Devon esq on 30 Aug 1862 (17)


A bankruptcy petition had been filed against Jeremiah Smith of Rye farmer, grazier and brickmaker on 21 May 1862, who was adjudged a bankrupt on 22 May 1862 (12). Richard Curteis Pomfret of Rye banker, Jesse Piper of Hawkhurst in Kent farmer and Lawrence Reeve of Peasmarsh farmer were appointed assignees of Smith on 6 June 1862 (13)


Jeremiah Smith's estate was offered for sale initially on 19 Mar 1863 but very little was sold (25), and the remaining portion was offered for sale at auction in 35 lots by James Coleman Vidler at the George Hotel, Rye on 5 Aug 1863 (14) when it consisted of -


1 Cooks Farm (34a 2r 27p) at Ham Green in Wittersham, Kent with six cottages (occupied by Messrs Bailey), two channel rents of 12s 6d and 8s 3¾d, Brick-kiln Field (3a 17p) and brick yard (1a)


2 Cuckoo Wood (8a 2r 3p) in Wittersham


3 House and garden at Wittersham Stocks, let as a grocer's shop


4 House and land (2a 11p) in Udimore occupied by Henry Freeman


5 House in Udimore Road, Rye occupied by David Huggett


6 Plot of building land with small timber building in Wish Ward, Rye


7 House in the Mint, Rye occupied by Abraham Jewhurst


8 The Swan public house in the Mint, Rye occupied by William Watson


9 House adjoining the Swan, occupied by William Moore


10 19 and 20 High Street, Rye (unoccupied) and 18 High Street occupied by Mr Jenner


11 House and shop at the top of Conduit Hill, Rye formerly occupied by Elgar Hicks


12 Warehouse opposite occupied by Mr Broad


13 109 High Street, Rye occupied by H P Clark


14 Cottage in the Gungarden, Rye occupied by William Hatter


15 6 East Street, Rye occupied by Mr Kingston


16 Blacksmith's forge at Rock Cliff, Rye (unoccupied)


17 House with whitesmiths forge in Watchbell Street, Rye (unoccupied)


18 Cottage adjacent 17 above (unoccupied)


19 House in Watchbell Street, Rye occupied by Thomas Tiltman and house adjoining (unoccupied)


20 House in Watchbell Street, Rye occupied by James Robertson


21 House in Watchbell Street, Rye occupied by Mrs Curd


22 House, garden and warehouse adjoining the Strand with garden on the top of the Cliff occupied by Messrs Hessell and Holmes, also leasehold piece of ground used as boathouse and shipbuilders yard


23 House on the Strand, Rye occupied by William Exall and house adjoining occupied by Jesse Blackman


24 House on the Strand, Rye occupied by Stephen Filmer and house adjoining (unoccupied)


25 Warehouse in Cinque Ports' Street, Rye


26 Leasehold building land adjoining Bethel Chapel, Rye


27 Leasehold Bethel Chapel, Rye


28 Leasehold cottage with saddler's shop in Landgate, Rye occupied by Richard Larkin


29 Leasehold Ferry-Boat Inn, Udimore Road, Rye with cottage adjoining occupied by Mrs Chapman


30 Leasehold house in Udimore Road, Rye occupied by the undertenants of Mr Lovett


31 Leasehold four stall stable in Wish Ward, Rye (unoccupied)


32 Leasehold house in Ropewalk, Rye occupied by George Walker sadler


33 Two leasehold warehouses on the Strand, Rye


34 Leasehold timber-built cottage at Rock Cliff, Rye occupied by [ ] Haney and cottage adjoining occupied by E H Rubie


35 Salutation House with garden ground in Winchelsea occupied by Henry Stretten and piece of garden ground adjoining occupied by Edward Piggett


On 30 May 1864 the mortgagees and assignees in bankruptcy of Jeremiah Smith (Robert Burra of Cleveland Gardens, Bayswater in Middlesex esq, Virgil Pomfret of Tenterden esq and Richard Curteis Pomfret of Rye, Banker the surviving mortgagees of the mortgages of 19 & 20 Oct 1838 and 5 May 1840; RCP, John Bellingham and Thomas Smith Pix all of Rye, bankers the surviving mortgagees of the mortgage of 4 Feb 1852; the Revd James Prosser of Thame in Oxfordshire and RCP the executors and trustees of the will of John Haddock Lardner, the mortgagee of the mortgages of 22 Apr 1847 and 11 Aug 1852; Jesse Piper of Conghurst in Hawkhurst, farmer mortgagee of the mortgage of 15 Feb 1860; John Cann of Exeter esq mortgagee of 13 Mar 1861; RCP, JP and Laurence Reeve of Peasmarsh, farmer the assignees of Jeremiah Smith) having previously taken counsel's opinions as to their title (23) sold to William Macdonald Farquahason Macdonald of St Martins in the County of Perth esq for £4000 (22)


1 Toft whereon a messuage, barn, stable and other buildings formerly stood and a parcel of land (6a 2r 12p) formerly called New Lane in Rye formerly occupied by Robert Smith, then Thomas Whorwell, John Reeves, James Hollands, John Burkitt and late Jeremiah Smith, (E: road from Saltcoate Hill to Fleckley Ash, N & W: copyhold lands formerly Nathaniel Levett's, then Walter Duke, Richard Heath and now Herbert Mascall Curteis esq, S: Harebacon Lands) and the capital messuage, buildings and outhouses newly erected on the said toft and parcel of land


2 Two (formerly three) parcels of pasure land [called Upper and Lower Fields] (4a 1r 32p) in Playden formerly occupied by Henry Smith and now by his widow, (E, W & N: lands of Reginald Curteis esq, S: lands late the devisees of William Aylward and now Edward Barrett Curteis esq)


On 8 Aug 1864 Colonel Macdonald's solicitors (Ellman and Whitmarsh of Rye) took the opinion of TSB Eastwood of Lincoln's Inn regarding lots 8, 9 and 19 purchased by the Colonel at auction on 5 Aug 1863 (for £215, £160 and £250 respectively) in the belief that the tenants qualified for the vote as £10 householders; it had subsequently emerged that lots 9 and 19 were worth less than £10 pa. Macdonald had wished to stand for Parliament for the Borough of Rye with the support of his tenants' votes. Counsel advised that Macdonald had no claim against the assignees of Jeremiah Smith (25)


WMFM on 4 Nov 1864 mortgaged to The Heritable Securities Investment Association Ltd for £3500 at 10% (26)


1 Messuage called Springfield Lodge with garden and paddock (8a 2r 12p) in Rye, and two parcels of land called Upper and Lower Fields (4a 1r 32p) in Playden


2 Messuage called the Swan in Longer Street, Rye formerly occupied by John Holt and now William Watson, (S: Longer Street, E: messuage formerly occupied by John Cloake, N: Town Wall)


3 Messuage with yard and garden in Longer Street, Rye (S: Longer Street, W: The Swan, E: messuage late William Aylward and now Alfred Jarrett, N: Town Wall), together with right of passage through a passage, formerly part of the adjoining piece of ground purchased by William Aylward, and upon which William Aylward erected a messuage now called the William the Fourth, into the Rope Walk


4 Messuage, now divided into two dwellings, with yard and garden in Watchbell Street, Rye formerly occupied by William Dive, afterwards [ ] Catt and now Thomas Tiltman and [ ], (N: Watchbell Street, S: the Cliff, E: land from Watchbell Street to the Cliff, W: messuage late James Smith's and now the assignees of Jeremiah Smith)


On the same day Macdonald conveyed to Henry Burra of Rye esq for £100 all the property purchased by him on 30 May 1864 (28). A schedule of deeds was also drawn up (29)

Held by: East Sussex and Brighton and Hove Record Office (ESBHRO), not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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