Catalogue description LETTER by [Archdeacon] Isaac Wood from Newton near Middlewich saying he will be glad if...

This record is held by Cheshire Archives and Local Studies

Details of DBW/G/C/6
Reference: DBW/G/C/6

LETTER by [Archdeacon] Isaac Wood from Newton near Middlewich saying he will be glad if his services can expedite the church building, that Mr. Warr, an Hon.Secretary informs him that day by letter of a Grant of £150 to Rode Church, that the plans are at Mr. Grov's office, 4 Water Street, that he is attending a clerical meeting at Southport of Tues. next and will bring back the plans with him on Wednesday.


[Enclosed with postage stamp, posted at Liverpool].

Date: 1863, 9. Apr
Held by: Cheshire Archives and Local Studies, not available at The National Archives
Language: English

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