Worcester Cathedral Library

Browse repositories

The Chapter Office
8 College Yard

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Visit website

Telephone: 01905 732922

Fax: 01905 29119

Email: info@worcestercathedral.org.uk

Open: Mon-Fri 10-4.45

  • Book in advance

No disabled access, but a room can be booked elsewhere in the cathedral
The cathedral archive's printed catalogues are also held by the University of Birmingham's Special Collections Department in the University's Library

Letter of introduction required

ARCHON code: 317

If you are an archivist or custodian of this archive you can use the archive update form to add or update the details in Discovery

Collections information

Organisations (4)

Paper catalogues available to view at The National Archives - (2)

  • NRA 17107 Worcester Cathedral Library: additional MSS
  • NRA 21008 Worcester Dean and Chapter