Catalogue description Registered Papers, c1841-1855, 1856-1871

Details of Subseries within HO 45
Reference: Subseries within HO 45
Title: Registered Papers, c1841-1855, 1856-1871

In the period c1841-1871 the files were registered under one or more of the following alphabetical subject headings :

Aberdeen/ Accidents/ Addresses/ Africa/ Agriculture/ Albert Medal/ Aliens/ Almoners/ Ambassadors/ Anatomy/ Animals/ Apothecaries/ Appeals/ Appointments to Office/ Archaeological Remains/ Arming/ Armorial Bearings/ Arms and Ammunition/ Arrest/ Arson/ Artisans' Dwellings/ Assizes/ Assaults/ Assize/ Astronomer Royal/ Attorneys/ Bail/ Bailiff/ Ballet/ Bank of England/ Bankruptcy/ Banks/ Baronets/ Barracks/ Bastardy Act/ Bath, Order of/ Baths and Washhouses Act/ Bedesmen or Almsmen/ Beer and Brewing/ Begging Bands/ Belgium/ Benefit Societies/ Bergal Medical College/ Bermuda Convict Establishment/ Betting/ Bible/ Bigamy/ Billeting Troops/ Bills/ Bishops/ Blasphemous Papers/ Boilers/ Boroughs/ Bow Street Runners/ Bribery/ Bridges/ British Museum/ British Subjects/ Bruges/ Buckingham Palace/ Burials/ Byelaws/ Cabs/ Canada/ Canals/ Carisbrooke Castle/ Cattle/ Cattle Plague/ Census/ Central Criminal Court/ Certificates/ Chamberlain, Hereditary Lord Great/ Chancellor, Lord/ Change of Name and Arms/ Change of Names of Towns/ Channel Islands/ Channel Islands (General) (Does not include Isle of Man)/ Channel Islands (Alderney)/ Channel Islands (Guernsey)/ Channel Islands (Guernsey and Jersey)/ Channel Islands (Jersey)/ Channel Islands (Sark)/ Chaplains/ Charitable Institutions/ Charity Commission/ Charters of Incorporation/ Charter House/ Charters and Jurisdiction/ Chartists/ Chelsea Hospital/ Chief Constables/ Children/ Cholera/ Church Rates/ Cinque Ports/ Circuit Letters/ Circuits/ Circulars/ Cities (Title)/ City of London/ Civil Power/ Civil Service/ Clerks of Assize/ Clerks of the Peace/ Clerks to Justices/ Coal Dues/ Coast Guards/ Cobden, R. (M.P.)/ Coiners and Coinage/ College of Arms/ Colleges/ Colonies/ Commissariat/ Commissionaires, Corps of/ Commissions and Committees/ Commissions of the Peace/ Commissions Rogatoires/ Commissions (Temporary)/ Common Land/ Common Lodging Houses/ Commons/ Compensation/ Confessions/ Consular Courts and Consular Officers/ Contempt of Court/ Contract/ Convicts/ Copyhold Commission/ Coroners/ Coroners and Inquests/ Coroners' Salaries/ Corporations/ Costermongers/ Costs/ Counsel/ Counties/ County Courts/ Court of Pleas/ Court of Record/ Court of Requests/ Courts/ Criminal Justice Act 1855/ Criminal Law/ Croydon/ Crystal Palace/ Dangerous Performances/ Death/ Debt and Debtors/ Dedication of Books to S. of S./ Defence/ De-Naturalization/ Denization/ Depositions/ Deserters/ Detective Force/ Diplomatic Privilege/ Disappearances/ Distress/ Distressed British Subjects/ Disturbances/ Dogs/ Drainage/ Duels/ Dulwich College/ Dundonald, Earl of/ Durham Palatinate/ Dwelling Houses/ Earl Marshal/ Ecclesiastical Education/ Ecclesiastical Elections/ Elections/ Electric Light/ Emigration/ Enlisting/ Epping Forest/ Esher/ Evidence/ Examiners of Criminal Law Accounts/ Executions of Criminals/ Exhibitions/ Exhibitions (Great Exhibition of 1851)/ Exhumations/ Expenses at Court/ Exploration in South Africa/ Explosives/ Extradition/ Factories/ Fairs/ Famine/ Fast/ Fees/ Fenians/ Fever/ Fines/ Fire/ Fishing/ Flag/ Floods/ Food/ Footpaths/ Forage/ Foreign / Foreign Sailors/ Foreign Title/ Forma Pauperis/ Forms/ Franchise/ Franking Letters/ Frauds/ Frescoes/ Friendly Societies/ Gambling/ Game Laws/ Garter,Order of the/ Gas Supply/ General Penitentiary/ Gibraltar/ Gladstone/ Grain/ Grants/ Gratuities/ Guardians/ Hackney Carriage Act/ Hackney Carriages/ Hampton Court/ Handwriting/ Harbour of Refuge/ Hawkers/ Health, General Board of/ High Sheriff/ High Treason/ Highways/ Holidays/ Home Office/ Home Office Council/ Home Office (Staff and Office Questions)/ Hospitals/ Householders/ House of Lords/ Houses/ Hulks/ Improvements/ India/ India Dependencies/ Infanticide and Infant Mortality/ Infectious Diseases/ Inflammable Goods/ Inquests/ Insolvent Debtors Court/ Interpreters/ Inventions/ Ireland/ Ireland (Fenians)/ Isle of Man/ Jesuits/ Jews/ Judges/ Juries/ Jurors/ Justices' Clerks/ Justices of the Peace/ Juvenile Offenders/ Knights Bachelors/ Knights, Military, of Windsor/ Knights, Naval, of Windsor (Traver's College)/ Knights of St. Patrick/ Knights of the Garter/ Knights of St Patrick/ Knights of the Thistle/ Land Clauses Consolidation Act/ Law Officers/ Law Officers' Opinions/ Law Reform/ Leet Juries/ Letters/ Libel/ Libraries/ Licensed and License Holders/ Licensing/ Lighthouses/ Liverpool/ Loans/ Local Government Act 1858/ Lodging House Regulations/ London/ London (City)/ London (Metropolitan)/ London Gazette/ Lord Chancellor/ Lord Lieutenantcy/ Lords Justices of Appeal/ Lords Lieutenant (of Counties)/ Lotteries/ Lunacy/ Lunacy and Lunatics/ Magistrates/ Mails/ Malta / Man, Isle of/ Maps/ Marble Arch/ Markets/ Marriages/ Masters and Servants/ Mauritius/ Mayors/ Mazzini/ Meat/ Medals/ Medical/ Meetings/ Meetings and Processions/ Messengers/ Metropolis Local Management Act/ Metropolitan Building Act/ Middlesex Registry of Deeds/ Middlesex Sessions/ Military/ Military Aid/ Military Prisons/ Militia/ Mines/ Mint/ Misdemeanants First Class/ Missionary/ Monuments, Ancient/ Moravians/ Mortmain/ Municipal Reform Act/ Murder/ Mutiny Act/ Names and Arms, Change of/ National Gallery/ Nationality/ National Land Company/ Naturalization/ Naturalization by Private Act/ Naturalization: Colonial/ Naval/ Naval Hospital/ Needlewomen/ New Forest/ New South Wales/ Newspapers/ Newman's Heath/ Nonconformists/ Nuisances/ Oaths/ Odd Fellows/ Offences/ Omnibuses/ Opening Ceremonies/ Orange Men/ Orders (of Knighthood, etc)/ Orders in Council/ Ordnance/ Osborne House/ Outrage/ Outrages in Ireland/ Oyster Fishery/ Oysters/ Palmerston, Lord (Minutes of)/ Pardons/ Parks/ Parliament/ Passports/ Patents/ Patriotic Fund/ Paving Commissioners/ Pawnbrokers/ Pedigree/ Pedigree: Verification/ Peerages/ Peerages: List of Claims/ Peerages: List of Creations/ Peerages: List of Sons of Peers Called to House of Lords in Fathers' Baronies/ Peerages: New/ Peerages: Old/ Penny Banks/ Pensioners and Pensions/ Petitions/ Petitions of Right: Cases/ Petitions of Right: Notes/ Petitions to the Sovereign/ Petty Sessions/ Pharmaceutical Society/ Poisoning/ Poisons/ Police/ Police (County and Borough): England and Wales/ Police (Metropolitan)/ Police Courts/ Police Courts (Metropolitan)/ Police Stations: General/ Police Stations: Named/ Political Societies/ Poor Law/ Poor Law and Paupers/ Portreeve/ Ports/ Potatoes/ Post Office/ Post Offices/ Potteries/ Prayer/ Precedence/ Precedence: Cases/ Precedence: General/ Press/ Princeites/ Printing/ Prisons and Prisoners/ Privy Seal/ Prize Fights/ Prize-Fighting/ Processions/ Proclamations/ Procurators Fiscal/ Prosecution/ Prosecutions/ Prostitution/ Provisional Orders/ Public Baths and Wash-houses/ Public Buildings/ Public Houses/ Public Servants/ Public Works (Manufacturing Districts) Acts 1863/ Pyramids/ Quarter Sessions/ Queen/ Queen's Birthday/ Queen's Letter/ Quoad Sacred Churches (Church of Scotland)/ Racing Sweeps/ Railways/ Rates/ Rattening/ Rebecca Riots/ Receiver of Police/ Recognizances/ Recorders/ Records/ Recreation/ Recruits/ Reformatory Schools/ Reformatory and Industrial Schools/ Refuge for the Destitute/ Refugees/ Registrar General/ Registration of Births, etc/ Relief/ Religion/ Remission of Fines and Penalties/ Removals/ Repatriation/ Reports (Departmental)/ Reservoirs/ Returning Officer/ Returns for Parliament/ Reviews/ Revising Barristers/ Revolutions/ Rewards.

This alphabetical list is continued in the Arrangement field of this series.

Note: The dates stated in the subseries titles relate to the date the papers were registered at the Home Office, rather than the dates of the documents.

Alphabetical list continued from the Scope/Content field of this series:

Ribbon Trade/ Ribbonism/ Riots/ Ripon, Chief Bailiff/ Rivers/ Roads/ Roman Catholics/ Royal/ Royal Academy/ Royal Bounty/ Royal College of Physicians/ Royal Exchange/ Royal Patronage/ Royal Patronage and Use of Title Royal/ Royal Proclamations/ Russell (Lord)/ Sailors/ St John of Jerusalem, Order of/ St Patrick (Order of)/ Sanitation/ Sanitation and Sewage/ Savings Banks/ Schools/ Scilly Isles/ Scotland/ Sea (Offences at)/ Search Warrant/ Secret Societies/ Secret Unions/ Secretary of State/ Secretaries of State/ Secret Societies/ Sentences (Illegal)/ Sessions/ Sewers, Commissioners of/ Shaftesbury: Earl of/ Sheriffs/ Sheriffs (England and Wales)/ Ship and Ship Cases/ Ships/ Shorthand Writer/ Silent System/ Silk Trade/ Slaughter Houses/ Slave Trade/ Slaves/ Small Debts Act/ Small Penalties Act 1865/ Smallpox/ Smoke Nuisance/ Smuggling on River Thames/ Socialists/ Societies/ Soil/ Soldiers/ Soup Kitchens/ Spanish Refugees/ Special Constables/ Spinning Houses/ Stamp Duty/ Stannary Court/ Starkyites/ State Papers/ Stationery Office/ Statutes/ Statutes (Hiring Fairs)/ Statutes (Parliamentary)/ Stealing/ Stipendiary Magistrates/ Stocks/ Street Cleansing/ Streets/ Strikes/ Strikes and Lock Outs/ Summonses/ Sunday or Sabbath Days/ Sunday Trading/ Superannuation Acts/ Supporters/ Surgeons/ Surveyors/ Telegraph/ Thames Embankment/ Theatres/ Theatres: Music Rooms/ Thistle, Order of/ Time/ Tithes/ Title 'Royal'/ Tolls/ Toll Gates/ Tower of London/ Towns, Police Clauses Act/ Tractarians/ Trade Union/ Trafalgar Square/ Transportation/ Treasure Trove/ Trials in House of Lords/ Troops/ Truck/ Truck System/ Turnpikes/ Uniforms/ Unions/ Unions (Poor Law)/ United Brethren/ United States/ Universities/ Unnatural Offences/ Vaccination/ Vagrancy/ Vagrants/ Valuation (Metropolis) Act/ Velocipedes/ Venezuela/ Veterinary/ Veterinary College/ Vivisection/ Volunteers/ Wages/ Wales/ War/ Wards/ Warrants/ Water/ Water Supply/ Weights and Measures/ Wellington/ Western Australia/ Westminster/ Westminster Abbey/ Wight, Isle of/ Wild Birds/ Wills/ Windsor Castle/ Witnesses/ Wool/ Wrecks/ Writs/ Yeomanry/ Yeoman of the Body Guard.

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