Catalogue description Medical and surgical journal of HMS Nimrod (despatch vessel) for 21 September 1858 to 30...

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Details of ADM 101/168/1B
Reference: ADM 101/168/1B

Medical and surgical journal of HMS Nimrod (despatch vessel) for 21 September 1858 to 30 September 1859 by Marmaduke P S Ward, Surgeon, during which time the said ship was employed in China. [Note: ADM 101/168, 1A-1B are produced as a single document: order as ADM 101/168].

Folios 1-2: William Hayes, aged 17, boy 1st class; case number 1; disease or hurt, dysentery. Put on sick list, 5 October 1858 at Ning Po. Discharged 15 October 1858 to sick quarters at Ning Po.

Folio 2: Lewis Prouse, aged 44, able seaman; case number 2; disease or hurt, dysentery having previously had bronchitis. Put on sick list, 9 October 1858. Discharged 15 October 1858 to the Civil Hospital at Ning Po.

Folios 2-3: George Chandler, aged 33, ward room steward; case number 3; disease or hurt, dysentery. Put on sick list, 4 October 1858 at Ning Po. Discharged 9 October 1858 for hospital treatment.

Folio 3: George Lyne, aged 19, boy 1st class; case number 4; disease or hurt, fractured skull resulting from a fall from the main top. Put on sick list, 6 October 1858. Died 6 October 1858 for hospital treatment.

Folios 3-4: Joseph Bennett, aged 26, able seaman; case numbers 5-6; disease or hurt, dysentery. Put on sick list, 10 October 1858. Discharged 10 December 1858 to HMS Highflyer for a passage to Hong Kong hospital.

Folios 4-5: Henry Cole, aged 39, leading stoker; case numbers 7; disease or hurt, phthisis and fistula. Put on sick list, 19 October 1858. Discharged 10 December 1858 to HMS Highflyer for a passage to Hong Kong.

Folio 5: Samuel Morgan, aged 22, leading stoker; case number 8; disease or hurt, dysentery. Put on sick list, 29 October 1858. Discharged 3 November 1858 for hospital treatment.

Folio 6: William Main, aged 24, able seaman; case number 9; disease or hurt, secondary syphilis. Put on sick list, 28 December 1858. Discharged 19 January 1859 to HMS Melville.

Folio 6: John Fletcher, aged 27, able seaman; case number 10; disease or hurt, diarhhoea. Put on sick list, 16 January 1859. Discharged 27 January 1859 to HMS Melville.

Folios 6-7: George A.Jack, aged 33, Chief Engineer; case numbers 11-12; disease or hurt, syphilis. Put on sick list, 15 April 1859. Discharged 6 May 1859 to hospital.

Folios 7-8: John Smith, aged 30, leading stoker; case number 13; disease or hurt, palpatio. Put on sick list, 18 May 1859. Discharged 8 June 1859 to HMS Inflexible for a passage to hospital.

Folios 8-9: Edward Williams, aged 29, stoker (an African a native of Sierra Leone); case number 14; disease or hurt, dysentery. Put on sick list, 28 May 1859. Died 1 June 1859.

Folio 9: Peter Slade, aged 33, stoker; case number 15; disease or hurt, debility. Put on sick list, 23 June 1859. Discharged 25 August 1859 to the Melville hospital ship.

Folio 9: William [Jent?], aged 19, ordinary seaman; case number 16; disease or hurt, gunshot wound received while taking part in the action on Peiho Forts, resulting in amputation of the right arm. Put on sick list, 25 June 1859. Discharged 25 August 1859 to the Melville hospital ship.

Folio 9: Thomas Alder, aged 20, ordinary seaman; case number 17; disease or hurt, gunshot wound received while taking part in the action on Peiho Forts, resulting in amputation of arm. Put on sick list, 25 June 1859. Later died on board HMS Assistance from fever.

Folio 9: George Fuller, aged 28, sailmaker's mate; case number 18; disease or hurt, gunshot wound received while taking part in the action on Peiho Forts, resulted in the loss of the first phalanx on the right thumb. Later was killed by round shot Put on sick list, 25 June 1859. Died 28 June 1859.

Folio 9: William Weir, aged 26, supernumerary from Chesapeake; case number 19; disease or hurt, gunshot wounds received while taking part in the action on Peiho Forts, resulting in wounds of the left thigh, hip and elbow. Put on sick list, 28 June 1859. Died 29 June 1859.

Folio 10: George Ward, aged 27, private, Royal Marine Infirmiary; case number 20; disease or hurt, gunshot wounds received while taking part in the action on Peiho Forts, resulting in wounds of the left leg and subsequent amputation. Put on sick list, 28 June 1859. Discharged 3 July 1859 to HMS Chesapeake.

Folio 10: George Pullen, aged 36, stoker. supernumerary from Chesapeake; case number 21; disease or hurt, gunshot wounds received while taking part in the action on Peiho Forts, resulting in wounds of the left leg and subsequent amputation. Put on sick list, 28 June 1859. Discharged 3 July 1859 to HMS Chesapeake.

Folio 10: John Barrett, aged 42, ordinary seaman; case number 22; disease or hurt, rheumatism. Put on sick list, 2 July 1859. Discharged 13 September 1859 to the Melville hospital ship.

Folio 10: James [Daskins?], aged 24, Lieutenant, RN; case number 23; disease or hurt, haemoptysis. Put on sick list, 12 August 1859. Discharged 26 August 1859 to the Melville hospital ship at Hong Kong.

Folio 11: Moses Wootton, aged 28, Private, Royal Marine, Supernumerary; case number 24; disease or hurt, cholera. Put on sick list, 21 August 1859. Died 21 August 1859.

Folio 11: Silas W. Parker, aged 23, Paymaster; case number 25; disease or hurt, diarrhoea and climatic cachexia. Put on sick list, 13 September 1859. Discharged 23 September 1859 invalided.

Folio 11: Peter Solomons, aged 26, stoker; case number 26; disease or hurt, odema. Put on sick list, 15 June 1859. Discharged 16 September 1859 to hospital.

Folios 11-12: Richard Thorn, aged 31, Sergeant, Royal Marine; case number 27; disease or hurt, dysentery. Put on sick list, 22 September 1859. Discharged 27 September 1859 to the Melville hospital ship at Hong Kong.

Folio 12: A nosological synopsis of the sick book kept during the period of the journal.

Folio 13: Table 2: A list of men who during the period of this journal, have received wounds or hurts which may disqualify them for the public service, or subsequently in any way interfere with their earning a livelihood. (Names and details follow). Number on the ship's books, 109; William Sent, aged 19, ordinary seaman, hurts, gunshot wound and amputation of the right arm; certificate granted 30 June 1859. Number on the ship's books, 112; Thomas Alder, aged 19, ordinary seaman, hurts, gunshot wound and amputation of left arm; certificate granted 30 June 1859.

Folios 13-14: Table 3: A nosological synopsis of the medical cases which have occurred during the period covered by the journal. The average numerical strength of the ship's company 104.

Folios 14-15: Table 4: This table, without reference to the period included by the journal is to be mae out on the day the ship is paid off, or on the day the Surgeon gives up charge of the sick. Period covered 1 January to 30 September 1859. Mean numerical strength of the company, 199. Details numbers and types of medical cases.

Folios 15-17: Surgeon's general remarks. General description of Ning Po and comments about the Peiho Forts action. Also makes passing reference to ensuring that the difficulty in keeping up sufficient steam for the ship's engines and an opthalmia epidemic on board the ship and along the coast (folio 17).

Folios 18-23: Copy of the daily sick list.

Date: 1858-1859
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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