Catalogue description Medical and surgical journal of HMS Nimrod for 28 May to 20 September 1858 by William...

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Details of ADM 101/168/1A
Reference: ADM 101/168/1A

Medical and surgical journal of HMS Nimrod for 28 May to 20 September 1858 by William O'Roberts, Assistant Surgeon, during which time the said ship was employed in the China Station.

[Note: ADM 101/168, 1A-1B are produced as a single document: order as ADM 101/168].

Folio 1: William R Hayes, aged 16, boy 1st class; case number [not stated]; disease or hurt, wound on the skin from a gun tackle during general quarters. Put on sick list, 20 April 1858. Discharged 11 June 1858 to duty.

Folios 1-2: William McGowan, aged 33, private marine; case number [not stated]; disease or hurt, while engaged in baling the hot water out of a tank slipped into it and severely scalded his foot and leg. Put on sick list, 12 May 1858. Discharged 13 June 1858 to duty.

Folio 2: James Martin, aged 33, able seaman; case number [not stated]; disease or hurt, contusion middle third of tibia. Put on sick list, 26 May 1858. Discharged 14 June 1858 to duty.

Folio 2: John Joliffe, aged 20, ordinary seaman; case number 2; disease or hurt, received a contusion on the leg tearing open an old cicatrix. Put on sick list, 30 May 1858. Discharged 12 June 1858 to duty.

Folio 2: Thomas Bodmore, aged 27, leading seaman; case number 9; disease or hurt, while assisting to hoist a gun into a junk, something gave way and the block of the purchase struck him above the left eye. Put on sick list, 4 June 1858. Discharged 15 June 1858 to duty.

Folio 2: James H Ryan, aged 28, Master; case number 17; disease or hurt, phthisis. Put on sick list, 28 May 1858. Discharged to HMS Belleisle hospital on 14 June 1858.

Folio 3: William Main, aged 23, able seaman; case number 19; disease or hurt, syphilis. Put on sick list, 15 June 1858. Discharged to HMS Belleisle hospital on 17 June 1858.

Folio 3: Richard Legg, aged 25, able seaman; case number 25; disease or hurt, syphilis. Put on sick list, 25 June 1858. Discharged to HMS Belleisle hospital on 1 July 1858.

Folios 3-4: James Coots, aged 27, able seaman; case number 36; disease or hurt, concussion of brain and fracture of skull and thigh. Fell from the foreyard to the deck his fall not being broken by the rigging. Put on sick list, 27 July 1858. Died 17 July 1858, Gulf of Petcheli. Also contains details of a post mortem,

Folio 4: Elias Simock, aged 19, boy; case number 45; disease or hurt, cholera. Put on sick list, 29 July 1858. Discharged to duty in Shanghai on 11 August 1858.

Folio 4: James Childs, aged 24, able seaman; case number 48; disease or hurt, diarrhoea. Put on sick list, 3 August 1858 at Shanghai. Discharged to duty in Ning Po on 10 August 1858.

Folios 4-5: Joseph Double, aged 21, ordinary seaman; case number 49; disease or hurt, cholera. Put on sick list, 3 August 1858 at Shanghai. Died 10 August 1858 at Ning Po.

Folio 5: John Morewood, aged 38, ordinary seaman; case number 67; disease or hurt, phthisis. Put on sick list, 29 August 1858. Discharged to hospital on 27 September 1858.

Folio 6: Charles Warren, aged 27, boatswain's mate; case number 72; disease or hurt, pleuritis. Put on sick list, 31 August 1858. Discharged to 20 September 1858 to duty.

Folio 6: James A Crowe, aged 24, bombardier, Royal Marine Artillery; case number 33; disease or hurt, haemoptysis. Put on sick list, 12 July 1858. Discharged 12 July 1858 to hospital.

Folio 6: A nosological synopsis of the sick book kept during the period of the journal.

Folio 7: Table 2: A list of men who during the period of this journal, have received wounds or hurts which may disqualify them for the public service, or subsequently in any way interfere with their earning a livelihood. (Names and details follow). Number on the ship's books, 86; John Sutton, aged 24, stoker, hurts, received a wound in the head by a jingal ball at the attack on the Peiho Forts 20 May 1858 on board HMS Nimrod; certificate granted 28 May 1859.

Folio 7-8: Table 3: A nosological synopsis of the medical cases which have occurred during the period covered by the journal. The average numerical strength of the company 112.

Folio 8: Surgeon's general remarks about the use of distilled water. When the supplies of distilled water ran out additional water was supplied from a small brook which flows into a river a few miles above Ning Po which at low water was perfectly clear. The English residents use rain water, which has been boiled for drinking and culinary purposes, and the Chinese themselves universally boil the water they use. Also states that the country round Ning Po is flat and completely under the cultivation of rice.

Folios 9-12: Copy of the sick list for HMS Nimrod for 28 May to 30 September 1858.

Folio 9: Title page of the sick list.

Date: 1858
Held by: The National Archives, Kew
Legal status: Public Record(s)
Closure status: Open Document, Open Description

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