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  • Division within KB1194-1987Crown Side Records

    Records of the Crown Side of the Court of King's Bench, that is, those generally relating to matters of crown litigation and crown prosecution.

    The principal Crown Side records are the enrolments on the Rex roll within the Coram Rege Rolls (KB 27) until 1702, and thereafter the Crown Rolls: KB 28.

    The means of reference to these are the Controlment Rolls and related records in KB 29.

    Crown Side affidavits are in KB 1 and KB 2.

    Records in error, heard on the Crown Side, are in KB 7.

    Indictments are in KB 9 - KB 12, with 'state trials' in KB 8 and coroners' inquisitions in KB 13 - KB 14.

    Other Crown Side records are in KB 3-KB 6, KB 15-KB 26, KB 30-KB 32 (also includes Plea Side records), KB 33-KB 37 and KB 39.

    High Court of Justice, King's Bench Division, Crown Office, Registers of Appeals KB 174.