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  • ED 121878-1946Board of Education and predecessors: Secondary Education, General Files

    Board of Education and predecessors papers relating to general subjects concerned with secondary education.

    Before 1921 the files formed an unnumbered series relating to general subjects concerned with Secondary Education and were identified by their descriptive titles.

    Subsequently a 'Numbered' series of general files was introduced which keyed subject titles to a registration of consecutive numbers (i.e. S401..). Papers from the 'Unnumbered' series were transferred to the 'Numbered' [current-1954] series wherever continuity of subject matter could be maintained.

    The 'Numbered' series contain, inter alia, the papers of the Regulations for Secondary Schools 1903-1904 and subsequent years; memoranda and reports concerning the teaching of specific subjects in secondary schools, e.g. Engineering, History, Languages, Music, and the training of Art teachers; conditions for the payment of grant; and the provision of Advanced Courses.

    The papers define the board's policy, following the Consultative Committee's Report, 1911, in regard to external examinations for secondary schools and the thought given to the conduct and maintenance of uniformity of the examinations. In another field the papers examine the effect of raising the age limit of entry from secondary schools of boy clerks to the Civil Service.

    The papers reflect the difficulties associated with approval for grant in aid of provision made in accordance with the Regulations for Secondary Schools which prior to the introduction of Section 44 of the Education Act, 1918, lacked statutory authority. The files also record the use by local education authorities of powers under Section 71 of the Education Act, 1921, to aid by means of maintenance allowances, the 'supply' of higher education.

    Files also reflect the volume of protests evoked against restrictions imposed by the Regulations of 1922-1923 and subsequently by the Regulations of 1933-1934.

    Papers of the Second World War period record (among other wartime financial arrangements) details of the award of special places and payment of fees in respect of evacuees and payment of grants to children of servicemen; staffing problems; modifications of conditions for examinations and the award of various academic certificates; the training of school-leavers for employment; and the expansion of the Cadet Corps.

    Some files contain indexes.