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  • Division within Ec1154-1994Records of the King's Remembrancer

    Records of the King's Remembrancer (or Queen's Remembrancer), one of the two major Exchequer officials concerned with the accounting and audit procedures and also in the wider administrative functions of the Court of Exchequer from the twelfth century to the nineteenth. The records are therefore extensive and diverse.

    The main formal records of the King's Remembrancer's business are the Memoranda Rolls and Books in E 159, with subsidiary material in E 160

    The principal series of accounts presented to the Crown for payment is in E 101, with related documents in E 102

    The main records relating to taxation are the particulars of accounts of lay and clerical taxation in E 179; other relevant records include certificates of residence of some taxable persons in E 115, receivers' accounts in E 181, and land tax accounts in E 182-E 184

    Records relating to customs accounts are in E 122, with port books in E 190; those of excise accounts are in E 139, with extents relating to excise debtors in E 145. Coast bonds are in E 209

    Escheators' accounts are in E 136, and escheators' files are in E 153; sheriffs' accounts are in E 199. Estreats from various courts and judicial commissions are in E 137

    Records relating to feudal tenures and distraint of knighthood are in E 198. Inquisitions post mortem and inquisitions ad quod damnum on potential Crown dues are to be found in E 149, E 150, E 151, and E 152. Records of outlawries are in E 172 and E 173. Records of some special commissions of inquiry are in E 178

    Writs in Exchequer cases, or on other Exchequer business, are in E 202, with related documents in E 203 and E 204. Bille files are in E 207; files of barons' writs brevia baronibus are in E 208; other writs are in E 226 and E 227

    Affidavits in legal cases (both equity and revenue) are in E 103 and E 218; depositions are in E 133 and E 134; exhibits are in E 140; bills and answers are in E 112 and E 113, with replications and rejoinders in E 193 and E 223; petitions are in E 185, with other petitions in E 186 and E 188; reports are in E 194 and E 195; appearance books are in E 107. Informations in revenue cases are in E 148; cases stated in E 201. Entry books of decrees and orders are in E 123, E 124, E 125, E 126, and E 127, with files in E 128, E 130, and E 131, and accounts in E 225; ordnance decrees are in E 171, some order books in revenue cases, formerly in E 170 and not subsequently destroyed, are in E 170. Minute books are in E 161 and E 162. Notice of trial books are in E 168. Miscellaneous equity proceedings are in E 111. Proceedings in error are in E 228. Account books of funds in court are in E 217. Warrants for the issue of process are in E 220 and E 224, with other warrants in E 229 and E 230, and registers of process are in E 221 and E 222

    Extents of alien priories are in E 106; inventories of church goods are in E 117; conventual leases are in E 118. Miscellaneous ecclesiastical documents are in E 135

    Records relating to forfeited lands are in E 142, with extents of various estates and properties falling within the purview of the Exchequer for assorted reasons in E 143 and E 144; some inventories of goods and chattels are in E 154. Returns of papists' estates are in E 174. Vintners' fines are in E 176; recognizances of victuallers and ale-house keepers are in E 180. Petitions relating to licensed premises are in E 187. Receivers' accounts in Crown cases are in E 158. Records relating to Crown lands are in E 121. Particulars for grants are in E 147. Records relating to the administration of the revenues of the Duchy of Cornwall are in E 119 and E 120. Records relating to Wey Navigation claims are in E 177. A wide range of forest records is in E 146. The Exmoor Forest enclosure award is in E 141

    Deeds relating to Chatham fortifications are in E 116. Transcripts of numerous deeds and charters are in E 132; large numbers of original deeds are in E 210, E 211, E 212, E 213, and E 214

    Some original letters patent are in E 156. Registers of licences to pass overseas are in E 157

    Some records of ancient ceremonies include those relating the Trial of the Pyx in E 189 and presentation rolls relating to the Mayor and sheriffs of London in E 191

    Records relating to the administration of the Court of Exchequer include the licensing of clerks and solicitors and of attorneys in E 108 and E 109, and bonds of accountants, lessees, and other Crown debtors in E 114. Papers of the clerk to the Deputy Remembrancer are in E 167, and working papers of other clerks are in E 219. Seal Office records are in E 197. Records of commissions on fees, James I and Charles I, are in E 215

    Oath rolls are in E 169 and E 200; sacrament certificates are in E 196

    Some Parliament and Council proceedings are in E 175

    Records relating to the audit of the Alienation Office are in E 104 and E 105

    Miscellaneous records of very varying types, relevance, and importance are in E 163, E 164, E 165, E 166, and E 216, with private papers and exhibits in E 192

    A number of these series also include records relating to the functions of the King's (or Queen's) Remembrancer as an officer of the Supreme Court of Judicature, after the abolition of the Exchequer: E 103, E 114, E 148, E 159, E 161, E 165, E 171, E 186, E 187, E 188, E 189, E 191, E 201, E 203, E 204, and E 205

    Some original finding-aids are in E 501