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  • ADM 3521641-2012Admiralty: Hydrographic Department: Original Surveys

    Original surveys conducted and drawn by officers of the Royal Navy, other seamen, and surveys acquired from other sources. Surveyors include William Dampier, Matthew Flinders, James Cook, William Bligh and George Vancouver.

    The surveys are of major sea routes, coastlines and islands, straits, rivers, harbours, ports and anchorages. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries this work was largely done from shipboard observations; during the nineteenth century detailed charts were produced of bays, anchorages and approaches.

    The series includes William Dampier's chart of his voyages in the East Indies; surveys of the coast of Australia by Matthew Flinders, and surveys of the coast of North America by James Cook (Newfoundland and west coast) and George Vancouver (west coast).