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  • KN 21984-2002United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing Midwifery and Health Visiting: Single Professional Register and Index of Nurses in Training (SPRINT-UK) Dataset

    The Single Professional Register and Index of Training (SPRINT-UK) dataset was used to record and maintain information relating to nurses, midwives, health visitors and potential applicants for training who took the relevant examinations. It was both a professional register and an index of training. One of its key functions was public protection. Employers and others were able to check with the United Kingdom Central Council for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting (UKCC) the current registered status of any nurse, midwife and health visitor and their entitlement to practise.

    The data includes name, address and personal details as well as qualification details, periods and areas of practice both in UK and abroad and an indication if the individual has been subject to a professional conduct investigation. Payment processing details for registration fees are also part of the system.

    The register as maintained by the NMC today has only three parts. However, when first set up in 1983, the register had quite a complicated structure. There were 11 parts, covering the different branches of nursing (mental health, children, learning disability and adult) and different levels reflecting former types of training and qualifications. The 11 parts were for: Registered General Nurse, Enrolled Nurse (General), Registered Mental Nurse, Enrolled Nurse (Mental), Registered Nurse for the Mentally Handicapped, Enrolled Nurse (Mental Handicap), Enrolled Nurse, Registered Sick Children's Nurse, Fever Nurse, Registered Midwife and Registered Health Visitor. This allowed the Council to assume responsibility for registering all nurses, midwives and health visitors in the UK.

    By 1989 the register had increased to 15 parts. The new parts were for: qualified students following a course of preparation in adult nursing; qualified students following a course of preparation in mental health; qualified students following a course of preparation in mental handicap nursing; and qualified students following a course of preparation in children's nursing.

    SPRINT contains data in the following categories:

    • Registration details about practitioners.
    • Educational and professional qualifications of practitioners.
    • Details of training courses undertaken and training institutions attended by potential applicants.
    • Declarations of good character of practitioners (e.g. from employers).
    • Overseas registration of nurses and midwives.
    • Financial information: payments made by practitioners.

    The datasets in this series are available to download. Links to individual datasets can be found at piece level.