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  • NB 51996-2000Benefits Agency: Earnings Top-up (ETU) Benefit: Dataset of Pilot Project

    This dataset contains data from the administration of the Earning Top-up (ETU) pilot scheme introduced by the Department of Social Security in 1996. The ETU scheme was established for a trial period of 3 years, although benefits were still being awarded up to September 2000.

    The data held in the ETU system can be described within four main categories:

    • (1) Personal & Claim Details: Included the applicant and, where appropriate, their partner's personal details i.e. their names, address, dates of birth, and National Insurance Number (NINO). Income details whether from employment, other benefits, capital or a pension were also included; as was information about the claim itself, whether it was a new claim or a renewal of an existing claim. The system recorded the date of the claim and a claim reference number, it was also possible to attach a marker to any claim record to highlight issues such as a lost instrument of payment or if the claim was undergoing a fraud investigation. Finally the amount of benefit awarded and the start and end date of the award and the date that the award was assessed were recorded.
    • (2) Employment Details: Details of the applicant and/or their partner's employment, whether employed or self employed, the starting date of employment, the frequency of pay (i.e. weekly, fortnightly, 4 weekly or monthly), the number of hours worked, and the name and address of the employer.
    • (3) Weekly Income Details: Details of the applicant or their partner's weekly income used to assess the level of benefit, i.e. their gross income and any deductions for tax, National Insurance and superannuation.
    • (4) Payment Details: Details of type of payment of award whether by order-book or ACT (Automated credit transfer) i.e. payment to a bank or building society including account details if appropriate or serial numbers and dates of issue of order-books and giros. Details of instruments of payment including amount, start and end dates and frequency. Details and amounts of any under or over payment of benefit to the applicant or their partner, and details of adjustments arising out of under or overpayment of benefit.