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  • BN 941975-1976Department of Health and Social Security: Children's Difficulties on Starting Infant School Dataset

    The Children's Difficulties on Starting Infant School dataset provides descriptive information on the nature and extent of children's difficulties on starting infant school, and the extent to which these difficulties were affected by factors concerned with the organisation of the school intake, such as the age at which children started, the time of year when they started, and the size of the class which they joined. A subsample of the original entrants was followed up 18 months later to obtain some idea of how long their difficulties persisted. Difficulties were assessed by a 13 item rating scale covering all aspects of the child's behaviour: settling, cooperation, relation with teacher, concentration, use of play materials, self-reliance, verbalisation, ability to follow instructions, ability to cope with personal needs, sociability, physical coordination, fine motor control, and general difficulty. This scale was completed for each child individually by the child's teacher. Other information covers age on entry and sex of child.

    The datasets in this series are available to download. Links to individual datasets can be found at piece level.