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  • MPG 1[1612]-1949Public Record Office: Maps and plans extracted to flat storage from various series of records of the Colonial Office

    This series contains maps, charts, plans, including plans of fortifications and harbours, architectural and technical drawings, all extracted from various records created or accumulated by the Colonial Office (department code CO). There is no common subject matter.

    As far as possible, places depicted on maps or drawings are identified in catalogue descriptions by the names given on, or contemporary with, the documents themselves, although spellings have been modernised and standardised to facilitate searching. Where there has been a significant change to the name of a place or that of the political or geographical area in which it is situated, the current name is usually given in brackets after the name taken from the document. If it has not been possible to identify the place named, the name given on the map or drawing is noted in inverted commas. If no place is named, and the location cannot be identified, this is noted explicitly in the description.