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  • STAC 8c1603-c1625Court of Star Chamber: Proceedings, James I

    This series contains pleadings and proofs in criminal equity heard in the Court of Star Chamber during the reign of James I. Some proceedings from both earlier and later periods are also included. Fuller descriptions of these cases were completed in 2019, from exisiting typescript catalogues, and with further data from the work of Thomas G Barnes.

    The records in this series preserve evidence of more than 8,200 actions, of which in this reign a tiny proportion were brought directly on behalf of the Crown by the Attorney General. Other cases brought by him were usually at the relation of a party. The King's Almoner also brought cases about the non-payment to him of the goods of suicides, or of deodands (objects causing accidental death).

    Star Chamber under James I was a criminal court. But although the court would not try title, the underlying motive behind about four-fifths of the suits brought between 1603 and 1625 turned on real or personal property. The corollary to this is that the nature of the alleged offences needs to some extent to be set at a discount: allegations of conspiracy and riot, for example, were often designed to bring an essentially civil matter within the court's jurisdiction. Despite this, individual case files contain a wealth of biographical, topographical and social information on a wide range of topics.

    More than one crime could be, and frequently was, alleged. Each case now has a category of offence included in the description, which now makes them searchable by offence (see below under 'arrangement' for search terms).

    Offences included sedition and subversion directed against King, Church or state; offences against religion, including fighting in church, sorcery, and the unlawful exhumation or burial of bodies; malfeasance and malpractice by any sworn officer, by lawyers, and other officials of the courts; wilful contempt of proclamations; fraud, perjury, forgery of documents, including deeds and in testamentary actions; maintenance, champerty, embracery, and conspiracy to indict; contempt of court and of court process; vexatious litigation; and subornation, that is, bribery of an official.

    Enclosure, with consequent decay of tillage or interruption of common and customary rights; tithe disputes; and unlawful hunting continued to provide Star Chamber matter in this, as in earlier, periods. Violent crimes both real and alleged included riot, rescue and escape, assault, destruction of property, and abduction. Trade offences and economic crimes included deceit, embezzlement, forstalling and engrossing of goods.