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  • Division within FT1932-2002Records of the Nature Conservancy, the Nature Conservancy Council and English Nature: Headquarters Records

    Records of the central headquarters of the Nature Conservancy, Nature Conservancy Council and of English Nature.

    These include committee papers of the Nature Conservancy in FT 2, finance files in FT 4, and FT 47, headquarters files relating to regional offices and research institutes in FT 7 and general papers in FT 3.

    Species files, relating to specific species of flora and fauna are in FT 1. Records relating to the Nature Conservancy's organisation and policy matters, and reports concerning the formation of the Nature Conservany Council, are in FT 5.

    Files of the Nature Conservancy and the Nature Conservancy Council, relating to parliamentary matters (including nature conservation legislation), are in FT 9, those on information and educational advice in FT 8, those on Conservation Policy Division are in FT 41 and those of development officers consulated by the Conservation Policy Division are in FT 42.

    Nature Conservancy key or reference sheets on potential national nature reserves and sites of special scientific interest are in FT 14. Committee files of the Nature Conservancy Council are in FT 16. Reports from the Chief Scientist's Directorate are in FT 21. Minutes and papers of the Council's Advisory Committee on Science are in FT 19.

    Annual reports of the Nature Conservancy, the Nature Conservancy Council and English Nature are in FT 6. Work plans of English Nature are in FT 25. County reports produced by the Biological Survey of Common Land are in FT 39.

    Registered files of the Nature Conservancy Council and English Nature's Headquarter's International Branch are in FT 44.

    Registered files of the Nature Conservancy and Nature Conservancy Council's Establishment Branch are in FT 45, English Nature and predecessors FT 46, and the Energy Advisory Office in FT 48.

    The British Bats Dataset, is in FT 40.

    The Woodland Inventory Dataset is in FT 43.