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  • PRO 30/8/112.

    Letters to William Pitt jun. from: Bateman, Sam., Bates, Jos., Bates, Capt. R.M. Bates, William, Bath, 1st Marquis of, (Thomas Thynne) (2) Bath, 2nd Marquis of, (Thomas Thynne) Bathurst, 2nd Earl (Henry Bathurst) (2) Bathurst, Countess of (Tryphena, his 2nd wife) Bathurst, 3rd Earl of (Henry, Lord Apsley until 1794) (23) Bathurst, Hon. C. (3) Battine, Dr. William, Baugh, General L. Bafter, Rev. Thomas, (Bayham, Lord, see Camden, 2nd Earl) Baynes, Chris. Baynes, Kenneth Baynton, Susanna Bayley, Dr. D. (2) Beadon, Dr Richard, Bishop of Gloucester, Bearcroft, Edward, Bearcroft Mrs., his widow, Bearcroft, Philip R., his son. Beardmore, John, Bearham, Capt. O'Sullivan, Beauchamp, Lord, see Hertford, Earl of, Beauclerk, Lady D., Beaufain, Mons. de, (3) Beaufort, 5th Duke of (Henry Somerset) (38) Beaufort, 5th Duke of (Hen. Chas., Marquis of Worcester until 1803) (6) Beaufort, Dr. D.A. (2) Beaufort, Stephen (2) Beaufoy, T.H. Beaumont, Charles, Beckett, Mary Beckett, Oliver, (2) Bedingfield, J. (4)